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Does Nespresso Inissia Make Cappuccino? A Quick Guide

Nespresso Guides Mar 27, 2023
Does Nespresso Inissia Make Cappuccino

If you’re a fan of cappuccinos, lattes or any milk based espresso drink, you may be wondering if your Nespresso Inissia machine can make a similar drink. The answer is yes, but it requires a few extra steps compared to making a simple espresso shot.

Can Nespresso Inissia Make Cappuccino?

The Nespresso Inissia can make cappuccinos by using a milk frother to create frothed milk, which is then added to a shot of espresso to make a Cappuccino. The Aeroccino frother can be purchased separately or may come included with certain Inissia models. So making a Cappuccino with the Inissia is done by using the machine to brew espresso then using a separate milk frother to create the milk for your recipe.

How to Make Cappuccino with Nespresso Inissia

The Nespresso Inissia can make cappuccino with ease. To make a cappuccino with Nespresso Inissia, you will need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Choose an espresso coffee capsule of your choice.
  • Make your espresso by inserting the capsule into the Nespresso Inissia and pressing the espresso button.
  • Froth the milk using an Aeroccino or other frothing device.
  • Combine the milk with your espresso.

For a Cappuccino, you’ll want to use the dense froth setting or whisk, for a Latte, you’ll want to make a lighter froth. You can learn all about Nespresso whisks and the difference between them here.

What You Need to Make Cappuccino with Nespresso Inissia

Cappuccino with Inissia

In order to make cappuccino with Nespresso Inissia, you will need the following:
Nespresso Inissia machine

  • Espresso coffee capsule
  • Milk frother (Aeroccino or other device)
  • Milk of your choice

With these simple tools, you can easily create a delicious cappuccino from the comfort of your own home. With the Aeroccino, you can use cow’s milk or any milk alternatives like Almond or Oats milk, but froth level and density will be affected by the type of milk you choose. Cow’s milk always performs best.

Nespresso Inissia Pods

One of the great things about the Nespresso Inissia is the variety of pods that are available to use with the machine. Nespresso offers a wide range of coffee and espresso pods, including several options for cappuccino lovers.

Inissia is an OriginalLine machine, so it’s compatible with pods from Nespresso or other 3rd party brands. You can also use refillable pods and fill them with your own coffee grounds, but results from these always vary.

Nespresso Cappuccino Capsules

Does Nespresso Inissia Make Cappuccino? A Quick Guide

Nespresso does not make ‘Cappuccino’ capsules, per se. All Nespresso capsules are filled with coffee grounds only, no other additions. Also, Nespresso does not make milk pods. But what they do offer is special blends that are designed to blend nicely with milk to give you a balanced taste of a cappuccino or latte. They call these ‘Barista Creations’ Capsules.

the Nespresso Barista Creations Capsules, feature a blend of coffee in different intensities for every taste, some with a slightly sweet flavor and a smooth, velvety texture.

But you are obviously not limited to these. You can make your Cappuccino using ANY Nespresso OriginalLine capsule you prefer.

How To Make Cappuccino With Any Nespresso Machine

There are two types of Nespresso machines. Some are like the Inissia… CitiZ, Essenza, Pixie… none of these come with a built-in milk frother, so you’ll follow the exact direction of making a Cappuccino for all of them.

  • Insert your preferred Nespresso capsule into the machine.
  • Brew the espresso directly into your cup.
  • While the espresso is brewing, steam the milk in a separate container using a milk frother or the steam wand of your Nespresso machine.
  • Pour the steamed milk into the cup with the espresso, holding back the foam with a spoon.
  • Spoon the foam on top of the milk to create a thick layer.

That’s it! You can adjust the amount of milk and foam to your liking by experimenting with different ratios. You can also use non-dairy milk alternatives such as almond or oat milk for a vegan cappuccino.

Other type of Nespresso machines are Lattissima machines by DeLonghi. These machines have a built-in frother that will automatically heat, froth and dispense your milk and espresso. All you have to do is Press the Cappuccino selection button! These are much easier to use and are a pretty choice for someone who drinks a lot of milk based espresso drinks. If you want to take your Cappuccino to the next level, a Breville Creatista machine with a steam wand is the way to go.