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Nespresso Comparisons

Nespresso Essenza Mini vs VertuoPlus – Why I Chose OriginalLine Over Vertuo

Nespresso Comparisons May 16, 2023

After owning both two of Nespresso’s popular espresso machines for several years now, I am writing this post to share my experience with the Essenza Mini and VertuoPlus, and why after years of usage, I finally picked one over the other. We can consider this to be a comparison between Nespresso’s OriginalLine (Essenza Mini) and Vertuo Line (VertuoPlus). The comparison…

Breville Creatista Plus vs Barista Express [Major Differences]

If you’re looking for the perfect coffee maker, then look no further than the Creatista Plus and Barista Express. Both espresso machines have their own unique features that make them great options depending on your needs. The Main Difference Between Creaista Plus vs Barista Express The one thing these two machines have in common is that they are made by…

Nespresso Creatista Plus vs Pro – Which of These Should You Buy

Are you looking for the best espresso machine to make barista-level coffee in your own home, but you’re not looking forward to the mess that comes with espresso machines from coffee grinds, measuring, grinding, and dosing? Look no further than the Breville Creatista series. This collection of single-serve Nespresso machines offers a variety of features and functions, allowing users to…

Nespresso Inissia vs CitiZ – How To Pick [When There’s No Real Difference]

Nespresso Comparisons Feb 21, 2023

Nespresso Inissia is now (as of 2023) a discontinued OriginalLine model, yet, it’s still going strong as is being sold by retailers that sell Nespresso machines (not available from Nespresso directly). And there’s a reason why this model is still a favorite amond Nespresso fans. It’s small, light and affordable. And it does the job of making great espresso, lungo…