If you’re located in the UK or somewhere around Europe, then you must have noticed that Nespresso machines are sold under different brand names like DeLonghi, Krups or Magimix.
Is There a Difference Between Nespresso Brands? The short answer is this: there's absolutely no difference between them in terms of functionality. They are still the same Nespresso machines sold everywhere around the world. The only differences are purely in design and color availability, which do not affect the functionality of the machine itself.
While there are no functionality differences. I still created this guide to help you understand the differences in terms of design and color options from each brand.
Nespresso KRUPS vs Magimix – Differences To Expect According to Model
Below, I have listed detailed graphs of what to expect from Nespresso machines by Krups vs Magimix or DeLonghi.
Why Are Nespresso Machines Made by Different Companies
This is because Nespresso has partnered with these brands to help them distribute their machines around the world. But by technology and design, they are still the same Nespresso machines, brewing the same delicious coffee you’ll get from any Nespresso machine. You’ll also get your customer service from Nespresso, if needed.
Difference Between Nespresso Vertuo Next Krups and Magimix
Color Options
Krup colors: Black and Grey [check amazon price]
Magimix colors: Matte black, dark grey, and white for the original colors. Then there are the premium colors. [check amazon price]
The Difference Between Premium and Deluxe
There’s no difference other than the color combinations. The Premium Nespresso Vertuo Next has a rose gold metal accent with a deep brown brew head, while the Deluxe version is chrome and black.
Difference In Nespresso Vertuo Plus Krups and Magimix
Nespresso Vertuo Plus by Magimix has a flat head design, while Vertuo Plus by Krups uses a dome-shaped head.
Colors Options
Magimix Vertuo Plus is available in two colors: Black or White
Krups Vertuo Plus is available in: Matte black, white, Titanium and the Deluxe version, which is black with chrome accents.
Difference in Nespresso Pixie by DeLonghi or Krups
Nespresso Pixie Krups has a slotted side panel design while the Pixie DeLonghi as well as the Magimix use a side panel that has a faint criss-cross texture.
Color Selections
Krups offers Titanium and Electric Red while Magimix and DeLonghi have the colors Aluminum and Carmine Red, a slightly muted version of the electric red.
Difference in Nespresso Essenza Mini Krups and Magimix
Krups uses a rectangular shape for the Essenza Mini, while the Essenza Mini Magimix has a triangular shape. Both are at the exact width of around 8cm. So the same of the Magimix does not add up to the dimensions.
Color Options
Krups has the colors: black, grey, and white
Magimix and DeLonghi offer more modern and popping colors like red, neon green or white.
How To Choose Between Nespresso Krups or Magimix?
Choosing between these brands is easier than you think. Simply, don’t worry about the brand name. They’re all the same Nespresso machines after all.
What you want to do is:
- Choose your favorite Nespresso design and color.
- Compare prices.
Sometimes, a certain color or design will get a discount over another. If you’re not particular over a specific design, pick according to price.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Krups and DeLonghi the Same?
No, they are different companies. Krups is a German brand while DeLonghi is Italian. Both help Nespresso with their machine distribution.
Do All Nespresso Machines Use the Same Pods?
Nespresso Original espresso machines use the small pods, and yes all models use the same pods. While Nespresso Vertuo use larger pods that are sold by Nespresso only.